Monday, October 6, 2008

Generation Kill

(I know the title sounds horrible)

A couple of months ago we started watching this TV miniseries on HBO. The first night it was on I remember thinking "oh my gosh, this is just great another shoot'em up show on TV" By the end of the hour I found myself standing in my kitchen not being able to take my eyes off the TV. (Why was I standing in the kitchen and not sitting on the couch you ask? Well I really have no idea!)
The series is a true story based on the beginning of the war, "Iraqi Freedom." The book/TV Series was written by Rolling Stones journalist Evan Wright chronicling his experiences as an embedded reporter with the 1st Recon battalion during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
The mini series only lasted 7 weeks. And I couldn't wait until 8:00pm every sunday night for those few weeks. We literally made it like movie night. We would snuggle up on the couch and turn off all the lights and turn up the surround sound. It was such a great show. And it really makes you appreciate everything those men and women have gone through and are still going through just for us.
After the show was over I couldn't wait to go buy the book. I have read it cover to cover and it is just as good as the series. I totally recommend it if your looking for a good book to read. So get on over to Barnes and Noble and pick yours up. Or if you ask nicely I might let you borrow mine. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know i did!! oops! i was fixing ur header and then went browsing and forgot i was under ur name haha ill go tell her