Monday, January 31, 2011

Are we on the right track??

What are am I talking about you ask?? Well, when Macy came home from the hospital we had her on Enfamil newborn formula. She was on it for 2 weeks when she started having a lot of painful gas and started becoming pretty fussy especially in the evening.
So on December 28, we decided it was time to try a different formula to see if we could get her to feeling better. So off to HEB we went. After reading every formula and every ingredient, we decided that Enfamil Gentlease was the way we needed to go. I mean it WAS for Fussiness & Gas.... After a couple of days the fussiness was better and for the most part the painful gas was better but she was passing gas ALL the time! Then we noticed her bowels started to change consistency and she was only going to the bathroom every 48-72 hours. This maybe normal for some babies but before we changed her formula she was going at least once a day. Two weeks into changing to the Gentlease (Jan. 13), I noticed that her face started breaking out again. At first it just really looked like baby acne again. But within a couple of days it had turned into Eczema all over her cheeks, chin, crease of her nose, and behind her ears. After a lot of research I finally came across a website ( 10 days later. And there were a lot of women that had posted the exact same symptoms that Macy was having just 2-3 weeks after starting this formula. I could not believe that I was reading my baby was allergic to her formula.
So at midnight I was up dumping out bottles that I had made for the night and just by chance Similac had mailed me a sample of Similac Sensitive over Thanksgiving that I had saved. So I made up a couple of bottles. Within the first 4 bottles I could tell that her face was already starting to improve. Still breaks my heart to know I was giving her something that was hurting her. So we have been on the Sensitive now for a week and her face has completely cleared up. Her bowels are still moving about the same but the consistency is not as much like play-do anymore. Her gas has also improved, yet she is still gassy.

The only reason that I am not a huge fan of this formula is because it is so foamy/bubbly when you mix it up. Which was the reason for most of her gas when we switched her. So after alittle research again, I went a bought the Dr.Brown's formula pitcher. It is awesome as far as I am concerned. You can make up a whole days worth of bottles and then just pour them as you need them. And it completely takes out all the bubbles from the over the top foamy Similac. And when used with the Dr. Brown's bottles we defiantly have had less gas.
SO hopefully with these 2 new things combined we are on the right track this time. We shall see! Who knew that formula could be such a head ache. You would think that formula is formula right? WRONG!
My next mission is to find a women/children shelter to donate ALL of the Enfamil that I have stocked up on over the preceding 10-11 months. The bottom shelf of my pantry is full of it and I can't stand to see it go to waste. Especially knowing how expensive this stuff is.
Moral of this story... If you start a formula and your child breaks out in any type of rash with in 2-3 week after, It is what you are feeding him/her. And stay away from this stuff

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

No Bow Needed

When your this darn cute!

Friday, January 21, 2011

BIG Announcement

I have dreamed so long about sending out birth announcements of our baby to our friends and family. That it is still a little bit surreal that I am announcing to everyone that she is finally here!
If you read my post early on about how we found out we were having a girl. Then you understand why the pink bunny is in the picture as well.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dr. Champion

I was going back through some of my pictures from when Macy 1st arrived and I realized that I did not post a couple of pictures that are pretty important to me. I work for the physician that took care of me through my pregnancy. And I have always said that if I ever got pregnant that I would never see any of the doctors that I work for just because of the whole weird factor. Once I found out I was pregnant and my infertility doctor released me from his care to my regular ObGyn. I knew with out a doubt that I wanted Dr. Champion to take care of me and my baby.

With knowing what all we went through to get pregnant and not having any luck with the reproductive endocrinologist we were seeing she recommended we see Dr. Dunn. She said "If it was me or my sisters he is who I would go to." So that's what I did. Within the next month I was sitting in his office and we were off on the next part of this journey. And 6 months later he had us pregnant! I felt like I owed Dr. Champion everything. In my eyes God put her in my life to direct me and Jeff down the right road, because clearly we had been on the wrong one.

When I asked her if she would take care of me during my pregnancy her response was "I would be honored to take care you and your baby." It wasn't so much me that I was concerned about but I wanted my child to have what I thought was the best care possible. She allowed me to trust her completely (which is not something I do easily). She worried about things for me so that I could enjoy my pregnancy. Since I live and breath Ob/Gyn every single day, she made it known over and over again that she did not want me to just assume anything or feel like I already knew what was going on since I deal with problems and questions from our patients everyday. This was my 1st pregnancy and she wanted it special for me. If I had any questions no matter how little or big I was to come to her and talk to her about it. I always felt completely taken care of.

I was scheduled for my induction on December 8 fully knowing that I was an elective induction. Meaning that if another patient(s) come in to L&D or were scheduled for inductions due to medical reasons that I would be bumped to another day or even off the schedule completely. Sure enough on 12/7 Dr. Champion called me into her office and said that she had been to L&D and was told that I was not looking so good to get in for that night.. Due to others with medical issues that "beat" me out. I had already prepared myself weeks ahead of time that this would happen. So I was okay, disappointed but okay. I could see a look come across her face like she had let me down. Which was not the case and at that moment I felt like I was trying to make her feel better about the whole situation. We decided together to just start the induction on 12/9 with a deliver day of 12/10/10.

I woke up the next morning feeling anxious,nervous,scared and everything in between. Over the course of the day I received quite a few text messages from her encouraging me and letting me know that everything was going to be okay. On the way to the hospital that night she text again to let me know she was still thinking about us and that she would see me the next morning before she went to the clinic.

At 7:30am she walked through the door of my labor room. We talked, she did what she had to do and then let me know she would be watching me and Macy over the computer at the clinic and she would see me again in a couple of hours. After she left that is when Macy's heart rate started "acting up" and she was texting me again letting me know that even though she wasn't there she could see everything and that everything was still okay and that I didn't need to worry about anything. After her morning was over at the clinic she came back and hung out at the hospital until I delivered. This is when I saw just exactly what kind of doctor I had. When Macy's heart rate started decelerating and I was beginning to be prepped for an emergency C-Section she came to the head of my bed, saw that I was crying and gave me a hug. Whispered in my ear again that she was going to make sure Macy was safe and everything would be fine. Once we were in the OR and the surgery had started the next words I heard out of her mouth were. " Well hello Macy, hi there pretty girl." And then she showed me my daughter for the 1st time.

I feel like I owe her everything I have for doing exactly what she said she would do. Taking care of both of us.

Me, Macy & Dr. Champion
remember this is me working on NO sleep.

Home- Jorge & Alexa Narvaez

This father/daughter duo was on Ellen this afternoon and I absolutely fell in love with this little girl. How cute is she!!!!!! After she sang with her daddy, Ellen came out and talked to the both of them and gave the little girl a PINK Cadillac and a bunch of new barbies. Alexa was more concerned with wanting to meet, shake hands and hug the audience members that she just told Ellen thank you and walked off to meet everyone. So Sweet!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nuff Said!

Monday, January 10, 2011

1 Month Old

My sweet baby girl is a whole 1 month old today, where has the time already gone. I can not believe that a month ago today I was in the hospital in labor and looking forward to meeting my sweet girl by the end of the day. And all I did was blink and she has been here a month.

Just a few things she has been up to this month:
* At birth she weighed 7lb. 8oz., when she left the hospital 3 days later she was 7lb.5oz, and when she went to her 1st Dr. appt at 5 days old she was 7lb. 3oz. Dr. Cox increased her formula from 2 oz to 3 oz and at her next follow up on 1/3/11 she was 8lb. 5oz. Growing girl!

*She is a pretty good sleeper and only wakes for a bottle at night every 4 hours. Last week she did have a 6 hour stretch but that has only happened once but mommy was oh so grateful for the extra 2 hours of sleep. =)

*She has been lifting her head and turning it from side to side since she was 2 days old. And everyday she is getting stronger... Still amazes me!

*She is such a little snuggler and I don't want to ever this stop!

*She hates to have a wet diaper!!! And she LOVES just hanging out and laying on her changing table. For what ever reason it totally calms her down.

*She sleeps on her back at night however during the day I will place her next to me on the couch on her belly and she will sleep for hours.

So many people prayed for you for so long. And our prayers were answered on April 4, 2010 when we found out we were pregnant. And our dreams came true on December 10,2010 at 6:32pm when we heard your cry for the 1st time. I will never forgot that moment as long as I live. I am so glad that God chose me and your daddy to be your parents. We love you to the moon and back.
~ Mommy

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Favorite Things

Just a couple of little things I want to remember and be able to look back on later. I could sit here all day and just stare at this little miracle. I cant get enough of her little hands and feet. They are just so tiny. I love that she always tends to point her big toe (on both feet) up. And how her middle toe on her right foot sets just slightly behind the others. I love that she has her daddy's toes however we are not sure where the long and skinny feet come from.

I love that her hands and fingers are so incredibly long. Maybe we will have a pianist on our hands one day. I love that she can grip her fist so tight that you cant make her open them. Which leaves me wondering how is she already stronger than me ?

I love when she sleeps she always has a wrinkle between her eyes. And leaves her mouth slightly open so you can see bubbles forming around her tiny lips.
I love how when its time to eat the look on her face is so serious. Pure business!

I love how right before your put the bottle in her tiny mouth she sticks out her little tongue.
I love how when I talk to her when I feed her, her bottle she acts like she knows exactly what I am saying.
I love how when I burp her she holds on to my arm with her tiny little hand.
I love how much she loves her bath time. And how darn cute she looks in her little hooded towels.
This is only a short list of the multitude of things I LOVE about this sweet baby girl of mine. I could literally go on all day. Me and her daddy sure did hit the jack pot with this one. =)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

This time last year I had no idea what would be in store for us in just a few short months. If you were to have told me that on New Years Day 2011 I would be holding my bran new 22 day old baby in my arms, I honestly would not have believed you. We went through so much to just get pregnant and for things to start off in 2010 for us the way the did and then end the year with Macy is still amazing to me. I know everyone says this after the birth of their child but I honestly don't know what we ever did with out her. She fits into our family perfectly! I had no idea that I could love someone so much in such a short amount of time. And I am completely overwhelmed with how much I love her. I told Jeff a few days ago that I am so glad that the 3 IUI's we had earlier in our journey to become pregnant did not work because if 1 had we would not have THE Macy we have today! I have said it before and I'll say it again.... It's all about the Lord's perfect timing.

Mommy, Macy & Daddy

Happy New Year from our family to yours !

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Morning

Macy made it just in time for Santa to come and see her this year. =) And she must have been a pretty good girl the whole 15 days she was here. Not only was Santa good to her but me and her daddy got out our little Christmas miracle. Christmas is defiantly different when you have a little one. And as much as I want her to stay the size she is forever, I can't wait to see her eyes light up every year with excitement as she comes running in the living room to see what Santa has surprised her with.
This year he brought her 2 new baby dolls, a glow sea horse, light up blocks, some keys, a tummy time mat. And a stocking full of all kinds of goodies.

What Santa left under the tree
Christmas morning... trying out her tummy time mat
Macy with her loot..
Our 1st Christmas as a family of 3...or 4
After lunch we opened gifts with my side of the family. I only got a couple of pictures of what Macy got as everyone else was busy helping the other kids open their gifts. But here are a couple!

She got VIOLET
And a travel high chair. Which will come in handy in the months ahead!
This year we decided to just do gifts for the kids. Which in my opinion was so much easier. But Nana and Papa always break the rules =) And little miss is already running away with mommy and daddy's present.
Our 1st Christmas