Sunday, December 21, 2008


Honored! (or should I say - stressed out!?)

OK - thanks to my sweet friend Shannon, I have been "honored" with this blogger award! I know I should give a wonderful, heartfelt acceptance speech, but since we are talking honesty here, thinking of ten honest things about me has been sort of stressful! I know, I know....these things are supposed to be fun! And - I love reading others' honest things about themselves. So, why do I get stressed thinking of what to write....HECK IF I KNOW!!! (and by the way - I have NO IDEA how to link people, so I am bowing out of that one piece of this post) Here goes nothin'.........

"When you receive the prize, you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in their content or design. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing that they were prized with 'Honest Weblog'. List [if you can and/or dare] at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!"

1) I love my pillow. I dont think I can go anywhere without it. No matter where we go to spend the night or the weekend this is a total MUST HAVE for me. I have no idea why but for what ever reason for as long as I can remember I have to have MY pillow. Oh and it also has to ride in the front seat with me just incase I decide I need a nap on the way.

2) I am addicted to myspace. I have only had a "page" for a couple of years and thought that when my sister was telling me about it she was totally crazy, and had nothing better to do with her time. BUT I am now the addict. (Funny how the tables turned.) As soon as I get home from work I have to check it to see if I have a new message or a new comment. Once I have done that, then it is ok to proceed with the rest of my night.LOL

3) I met my husband the summer before my junior year of high school. And we started dating in September 1994. After a few months of us dating I remember sitting in his room telling him that one day we would get married. OF course he told me I was crazy that we were only 16 and I didn't know what was going to happen. And my reply was "You'll see." We dated for 11 years and finally got engaged October 10, 2005 and married June 3, 2006. I guess that was ANOTHER one I was right about.

4) This drives me totally insane. Since I was a junior in high school I have been dealing with a little something call gray hair. Not alot but the occasional few that just drives you absoultly nuts. Every year it had seemed to get worse and worse so finally I have given in to dying my hair. No it is not something that I enjoy matter of fact I cant stand it. I think mainly I just dont understand why I had to get these wonderful family genes and my sister lucked out. UHHH

5) I am scared to death of frogs. Yes you heard correctly frogs. Now this is not a fear that I even realized I had until I moved to Houston. We live extremly close to Lake Houston so we tend to have more frogs than the normal neighborhood. Last year I was in the front yard replanting some plants and about half way through this I felt something on my leg. I looked down and it was a slimmy little frog STUCK on my leg. I slapped at it twice before I was able to knock it off. Not to mention jumping around and screamming in my front yard like a crazy woman. It was that day that I realized I think I might have a heart attack if I ever come in contact with another one.....

6) I have a crazy family that many people can't understand. So let me explain it one more time. Before my parents got married to each other they were married before so I have an half sister. Then my parents got married and there is me and my younger sister. They then divorced and both remarried. From this I have another half sister from my dad and a step sister from my mom and and step dad. Did you get all that.. Let me recap!!!
*older half sister
* sister
* younger half sister
* step sister.
Does this explain why only 1 of them really looks like me....

7)I love photography. I have always loved pictures and frames and that sort of stuff. But the last few years I have found myself obsessed with taking pictures. I dont think I am that great at it or anything but I would like to think that one day I could be. I wish I could go back to school and take some classes and oneday be good enough to open my own studio or something.

8) When I was in the 7th grade i was sitting at lunch. The table some how broke and the other kids pushed the table back up to the wall and my hand fell between the two. I was wearing a ring on my index finger. It broke and went into my finger I had to be taken to the ER to have it removed.

9)I have lived through a Hurricane. And have lots to tell about it.

10) Growing up my papaw had nicknames for all of us. I can remember being so embarrassed of mine. I mean we had a WORM, HOGIE BO, AMOS SKEETER, PUNKY, TEATLE and then there was me and I had to be guinea mae... I dont know why I thought that this was so horrible but I did. My papaw has been gone now for 12 years and what I wouldnt give to hear him call me guinea mae one more time. I mean now that I think about it, it really wasnt that bad considering the others that there were.

THERE! I did it! 10 things (some interesting, some just to fill up a number and get through this thing!) that you might not have known about me and now I am so glad that you do!

Now for the 7 blogging friends that I want to hear some honesty from......



Anonymous said...

I must say...this was really funny! Especially #10...Guinea Mae!

Unknown said...

What do you mean we don't look alike. I always thought we resembled each other!!