Monday, January 3, 2011

Metting Cousin Kinley

December 17 was a pretty big day for Macy. Not only did she turn 1 week old but she also got to meet Kinley for the 1st time. Kinley has talked about Macy for months now and has been so excited to meet her. And this was her day! She wanted to hold her the minute she walked in the door and if we would have let her she would have held her for hours! I think these 2 are going to be BIG BUDDIES and probably get into a lot of trouble together

Kinley showing Macy her new doll


~Shelly~ said...

Kinley just loves her TO DEATH! Im sorry she had the COUGH so bad this week. I cant wait to see Macy again..I just love her soooo much! She just a doll.

Kathy said...

So sweet!

Nana said...

Glad to see you're finally finding a little time to update your blog! Love all the pictures of Macy and Kinley! They're so sweet!