Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sand Castles

On Saturday we decided to take alittle day trip down to Galveston to see the sand castle competition. There were about 60-70 teams that were building all sorts of castles. We saw everything from the President to Octomom. It was really neat. Not to mention the thousands of people literally that were on the beach. Neither one of us have ever been on a beach as crowded as Galveston's East beach was yesterday.

Sorry about all the pictures. I couldn't decide on just which ones to share. And to think this is not all of them.

Me and Jeff at the competition.
(I love this picture)
Green Eggs & Ham
Partially done alligator
a.k.a. HamBurgler
Geico Gecko
Swine Flew
When she was finished her tenticles held the heads of her babies
United Sates Economy
TEXAS it's like a whole other country
(TEXAS with the united states around it)
The money you could be saving with Geico
CRAB your money and run
Look who we met while we were there...
THE Kool-Aid Man


~Shelly~ said...

how cute! looks like fun! i wish they couldve saved that event for 4th of july weekend when we are there! too cute

Unknown said...

That looks like fun! What a fun outing. Love the picture of you and Jeff. You look great.

Greg said...

Great pics! I love the Swine Flew one.

Kathy said...

How fun!! We got to go to the one at SPI in October. I know what you mean about the's crazy! Happy Anniversary!!

(I do not know why my blog reel will not show updates to your drives me crazy)

Ape said...

WOW that looks like it would so much fun!!! That is crazy how they can do that out of sand