Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I can't believe three years ago we were walking side by side, down the isle as husband and wife. I'll always remember the feelings of pure joy and excitement followed by an overwhelming sense of nervousness. After the official "Mr. & Mrs." I remember trying to calmly walk down the isle with a smile on my face, when really I couldn't wait to escape the ceremony shouting to the world... "We did it!, We're FINALLY married!" Everything was so perfect and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to marry my best friend.

Thank you so much for making me the happiest girl alive on June 3, 2006. Thank you for loving me the way you have ever since. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for making me laugh every single day. I cherish everything we have dealt with these first 2 years. The good and the bad, and am so thankful I had you by myside for all of it. I love you so much and can not wait to see what God has planned for us. I am excited to spend the next many, many years by your side.

i love you,


Thank you Lord for giving me such a wonderful gift.... My husband and my best friend.


~Shelly~ said...

Yay for anniversaries! Hope yall have a good one-even tho u arent taking off work to go on some vacation! Have fun

Nicole Rodriguez said...

How sweet!!! Happy 3rd!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys had a great anniversary.