Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Anniversary Take 3

And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, it did. We have 1 more anniversary and probably the most important of all. It's my mom and dad. They have been married for 16 years today. I swear all these weddings/anniversaries were not planned to be so close together, it really just happened that way. But I would not want to share my anniversary "week" with any 2 other couples. My parents had 3 girls get married off within 13 months of each other. And no, we couldn't talk Jamie into taking the big plunge on 6/2 or 6/6! So don't worry this is the last post. I hope you guys have a wonderful day and a very happy anniversary.

I dont have any of their wedding pictures to share, so I thought I would post a couple of my favorites of them.

Mom & Dad,
I am so lucky that you both are mine! I could not have asked for a more loving, caring, understanding & supportive set of parents. I hope that Jeff & I have as much love in our marriage, as you do in yours 16 years from now. Thank you for everything you have ever shown me, taught me, or given me.
I love you both so very very much,


~Shelly~ said...

Good pics! I hope NanaW & Papa have a good one!!!

Mom said...

Thank you Miranda for your sweet words, I can't tell you how much it means to me. I love you and Jeff very much and want nothing but the best for both of you!

Dad said...

Well, I'm finally able to get back on your blog. Just had to go through re-setting my password. Your anniversary message was very special and it really touched my heart. You are a very special daughter and Jeff is like a son. Although it's LATE, I'm glad you guys had a great anniversary!! Me and your mom are very proud of you.
Love you guys!!!