Sunday, November 30, 2008


If you look back at my post of buck rubbing's (i don't know how to make it a link yet). You will already know that we have figured out that there is deer in our yard, when we don't know it. Two weeks ago we took Spencer outside about 9:30 one night. We were out there for about 5 minutes when I looked over I saw 3 deer staring back a me. Then we were snorted by another that was in the neighbors yard. I tried to take some pictures but it was so dark you couldn't really see them. And when my flash would go off all you could see was their eyeballs. The next day we decided we were going to get some deer corn and start feeding them for awhile. Last Tuesday I walked outside scooped up some corn threw it out, went back and got another cup and before I could throw it, there were already 4 deer staring back at me. I ran back in the house and grabbed my camera and outside we went. We stood in the driveway for about 40 minutes just watching them and snapping some pictures. I grabbed another cup on corn and made my way over to the deer and was able to get within 10 feet from them. I started throwing corn out and they just kept eating... It was so neat. Anyway here are a few pictures that I able to take.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hi! This is just something we don't get to see in the big city of Dallas! :-) Incredible! Hope you are doing well!