Saturday, November 1, 2008

When Life Hands You LEMON's Make Lemon Aid

Jeff acquired this lemon tree about 4 years ago. And for the past 3 years he has been pampering this baby to death. And this year we FINALLY have a lemon folks. Yes just one but a lemon none the less. HAHA!! Our only problem now is that we don't exactly know when it is ready! Do we pick it off the tree or will it fall off? The pictures below that I have of it do not really do it justice. It is alot bigger than it looks.

I never knew my husband had such a GREEN thumb. Way to go babe!

I guess if he keeps this up at lease our kids can make "homemade" lemon aid for their lemon aid stands right!!!!!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

How cool!! I've never seen a lemon tree!!