Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baby Blues

I just love this little toot. Isn't she one of the prettiest little things you've ever seen?
You know she is.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sweet Girl

Having you for a niece has been one of the greatest gifts life has given to me; for all you've been, for all you are, and for all you're yet to be.
I love you

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. ~Barbara Alpert

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2 sneaky 2 year olds





I am pretty sure this sweet little face was the instigator. =)
what do you think?


Cause this is just the kind of Aunt I am.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Priceless Pictures

For Christmas, Nana bought the kids all matching Santa hats. So we attempted to get some cute pictures in front of the tree. Key word there would be attempted. I am pretty sure out of 4 people snapping pictures that only a couple turned out. I mean seriously how hard can it possibly be to put on your cute little hat, sit down right here,put your hands in your lap,say cheese, snap a couple of pictures and move along. Well..... alot harder than it seemed. I mean we had a few sad faces, no smiles, falling over babies, & some"i dont want too's". However I would not trade these pictures for anything in the world.

Check out these FAKE smiles!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fun Times

On Saturday evening, after all of our Christmas festivities were over we decided to go bowling with my sister, brother n law and a few friends. We bowled for a couple of hours and I went home with a bruised ego and a few sore muscles. And Jeff went home knowing he won 2 games. =) We had a great time and cant wait to do it again............. some day!

Making sure I hit at least 1
Im sure one of us were talkin smack

Jeff and Shelly
Shelly and Jeffrey

New Years Eve

This year we hosted the 3rd annual Herring/Motal NYE party at our house. We had a pretty laid back time, and just enjoyed some yummy food and good company. I feel like the older we get the more fun we have just staying at home and hanging out. Funny how times change from when you didn't think you could have a good time unless you were out partying it up somewhere. The only thing that I am disappointed about is that I dont have a picture of me and Jeff.. Well, I do have 1 but trust me you dont want to see it. Its beyond horrible. As for resolutions this year, we have both pretty much made the same one we make each and every year.... to lose weight! I just pray that we can stick with it. Leave me a comment and let me know that resolutions you have this year.

Scott & Lori

You cant have a party with out all of the supplies!
The Food
The houses around our neighborhood ALWAYS pop BIG fireworks... Although this night there were not as many as normal ( i think the weather had something to do with it) There were still a few houses that popped them. My camera setting was to slow, however I was to cold to figure it out and try again. So this is the best picture I have.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!!

Well now that I am up to date with Christmas posts. I wanted to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. I can not believe 2009 has already come and gone. It started off really well and then in the middle had a few lowes but then ended on a good note with a great holiday season.
My hope for Jeff & I is that everything we prayed from in 2009 is delivered to us in 2010. As I hope you and your family receive everything you pray for as well.

Christmas Part 2

We spent Christmas night with Jeffs family. We did our immediate family gift exchange this night and then the rest of his family joined us on Saturday. We had yet another relaxed evening. Abigale and Benjamin opened their gifts from everyone and then the adults this year did a white elephant exchange. Which was a lot more fun than I originally thought. We ended up bringing home a 8 cup food processor and a party bucket.

2 of Santa's cutest helpers
Abby loving her new baby, stroller and Abby CaDabby baby
Jennifer opening the gift she picked. The party bucket which ended up being mine shortly after she did. =)
Jason opened up a BIG nice Emeril skillet... We let him keep it even though it was hard
On Saturday, we had lunch with all of Jeff's family We decided to go a little non traditional and have fajitas for lunch. After we all stuffed our bellies yet again..... We opened gifts yet again......I think both of our favorite gift this year was the handmade quilts Jeff's grandma made for us. They are beautiful and something that we will cherish for many year.

Christmas Part 1

We spent Christmas day at my parents house. Mom cooked a big ole' good meal as usual and we all stuffed our selves way more than we should have. After lunch we let the kids open up their slue of gifts. It was so much fun this year watching them open everything. As this is the 1st year that they actually kind of understood what was going on. After they were done, all the adults drew names this year and we opened up our goodies.

Christmas morning at mom and dad's

Getting lunch ready
Kinley and Camryn opening their gifts
Connor so excited about his new football shirt
Kinley was super excited about Connor getting a new dinosaur
Auntie M helping Connor look at what is in the next bag with the flash light that he just opened.
Jeff drew Shellys name and bought her a cross and a high heel shoe wine bottle holder

And Jeffrey drew Jamie's name and bought her a docking station for her ipod to listen to her tunes on.
Jeff drew Shelly's name and bought her this pretty cross, Jeremy drew my name an bought me this pretty cross. =)

Nana & Papa bought the kids a swing set for their house.
(Camryn not in this picture as it turned out fuzzy)
Mommy, Auntie M and Nana needed to try out the swings to make sure they were going to be ok

i love this little face. Even though she was reovering from bronchitis, she still managed to look cute.
Her mother on the other hand.......... Well there is room for improvement! Just kidding Shelly, I think this is probably my favorite photo from all weekend. =) This is 100% my baby sister