Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Acid Reflux

The past few months have had its up's and down's with miss priss and her crying spells. I talked to her pediatrician at her 2 month check up and she said that it sounded like colic. She was just crying more often than what I felt like was normal and it seemed to gradually be getting worse rather than better.
Last Thursday I notice that she just didn't seem her little happy self. Friday started off with her waking up at 5:15 and literally screaming until 7:00 when she finally just fell back to sleep. She was off and on fussy so I figured she was probably getting sick or something. THEN Saturday showed up.. OMG when I say this this child cried ALL day I am not exaggerating at all. She woke up at 8:30AM and cried... scratch that she SCREAMED all day long. She would not nap anywhere but in my arms and even then it was just 10-15 minutes. Finally she went to bed at 9:30 PM. We were all 3 exhausted and totally frustrated by the time we crashed for the night. She woke up the next morning at 4 am and of course she was screaming again.She was fed, and changed so there was nothing physically wrong with her. Jeff was ready to take her to the ER to make sure there wasn't something else going on. But the nurse in me did not want to just jump on running to the ER for no reason. And I just kept telling myself we can make it till Monday, its only 1 more day.
Well by 2pm I couldn't take it anymore. She was eating fine, normal voiding and BMs, no belly ache no fever but I was convinced it was probably an ear infection. I decided we needed to take her to the minor ER/urgent care center. Of course once we get there and get checked in and the doctor comes in to see her. She is all smiles and coo's and it seems as nothing is wrong. He checks her over and her ears are clear. From all the symptoms that we discussed with him he said that she had acid reflux! WHAT!!!! AR babies have projectile vomiting and spit- up alot. Macy has never done either. EVER! He gave us his diagnosis and sent us home with instructions to follow up with our Pedi the next day.
So that's what we did. Dr Cox saw us last Monday and confirmed the ER docs diagnosis. She said with out vomiting/spit up it is called "silent reflux" she wrote us a prescription for prevacid. To which must be compounded at a specialty pharmacy. Macy has now been on the Rx for 10 days and she honestly seems 100% better. And if we could get her to stop fighting her sleep we would be good to go!
It just breaks my heart that my baby girl has been hurting for so long and we just thought it was colic. This all started when she was about 7 weeks old.... She'll be 4 months on Sunday. My poor baby =(

This picture has nothing to do with this post...I just love it!

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