Wednesday, February 2, 2011


When Macy 1st came home from the hospital she loved to be all swaddled up when she went to bed. After a couple of weeks for what ever reason I got to where I was not wrapping her as tight I guess. So she pretty much got used to just "covered up" to go to bed. Over the last 2 weeks I noticed that she has not been sleeping as sound and startles a lot at night, because she is either laughing or "talking" in her sleep. So last week I decided to go buy a swaddle blanket since she is starting to out grow her receiving blankets. Who knew that they had so many different ones to choose from. Of course I could not make up my mind so I decided to buy 2. One was the Swaddle ME to which you put her in and velcro it across her and the other is a Swaddle Pod with is made out of cotton/spandex and it zips up. I tried out the Pod 1st and she has done great in it. Once she is all zipped up she is out within 5-10 minutes. (knock on wood). So I decided to see a couple of night ago if she would do as good in the other. Well wouldn't you know, she hated it. As soon as I velcroed it together she started screaming. I took her out and put her directly in the other and she stopped crying and went straight to sleep. From what I can tell the Swaddle ME really restricts their movement quite a bit. And with the Pod she can move her arms around it just does not allow her to startle/jerk. My only regret with this thing is not buying it sooner.

"Look Mom no arms!'

It looks like a straight jacket, but I promise she loves it! =)


Nana said...

She might like it, but Nana thinks it looks awful!! But hey, whatever works!

Lori Motal said...

Ok, I need to get one of those!! Where do I get it?? I'm going tomorrow!!! PS.... LOVE that binki ;-)