Sunday, February 13, 2011

i love her

Such a bitter sweet day!
Friday (2/11/11) was a pretty hard day for me. It was my last day of maternity leave before I return to work bright and early Monday morning. I still can not believe that my baby girl is 2 months old already and that my time is up with her. And now I have to share her with everyone. I am only going back 2 1/2 days a week for now and my mom, Jeff's mom and Jeff will have her for the next 5 weeks so the transition should be easier on me hopefully. I know Macy will be okay, or at least I hope she will be ( she is kind of a mommas girl....bad). Which may make it harder on them.
On our last full day together we spend most of the day snuggling on the couch, then played a little dress up and took some pictures. She played very well with mommy and changed her clothes many times. Such a little trooper!
I will cherish my time that I had with her every day for the rest of my life. These first few weeks have been nothing but amazing, fun, exhausting, exciting, and a whole lot of learning for each of us. I sure am going to miss my girl!

These first 2 outfits were a gift from Aunt Shelly..
'This is my little black dress!"


She was supposed to wear this home from the hospital but it was TOO BIG.2 months later its still a little big in the shoulders

Naked baby in a bucket!

Sweet girl


Where's Macy?


~Shelly~ said...

Ok thanks for making me cry!! So sweet. I wish I could take off a week to keep her too :/
She will be just fine with Nana. Be glad u dont have to work all week long especially the 1st week back! Have a good day at work tomorrow.

Nana said...

It is always so hard to go back to work and leave your little baby with someone other than yourself. I know it's going to be hard for you, but hopefully it will get a little easier with time. I'm so glad I was in a position where I could help out. She's a little angel!

Allison said...

She is sooo adorable! Great pictures! I hope your first week back is going as good as can be expected. Those first few weeks are hard, but you will adjust, and so will she... and eventually you will enjoy a little time away =) It's good for you both. Take Care!