Thursday, December 16, 2010

Introducing ...................

Miss Macy Nicole Herring!

We arrived at labor an delivery on December 9 at 9pm for my induction. We were checked in and hooked up to the IV and monitors and round 1 of cytotec was place to help efface my cervix. I started having some contractions in my back about 1 1/2 hours later which made "resting" hard to do. At 2 am my second does of cytotec was placed and after that the contractions seemed to start coming a little more frequent. Finally about 5 am I had, had all I could take and asked for some pain meds. Demerol and Phenergan it was!!!! At 6:30 am my cervix was still just 1 cm and the big gun PITOCIN was started though my IV to make my contractions more regular/stronger. My doctor came in about 8 am to check on me and see how I was progressing and much to everyone surprise. The second she walked in the door my water broke, she checked me and I was 3cm. Bring on the EPIDURAL! As soon as that was placed I started feeling somewhat better. It was not long however that I started hurting again. So we decided to have that epidural removed and have a second one place. Thank goodness we made that decision because after that I was contraction free. Yet this is when all the "fun" began. After the 2nd epidural Macy starting have some variability ( abrupt decrease in fetal heart rate) so I was placed on oxygen off and on for a while. I progressed with dilation and everything was going okay and about 6pm the variables in her heart rate were becoming more frequent and my dilation seemed to "stall" at 9.5 cm. and she was starting to ascend back up into the birth canal. My physician decided to place a scalp clip on Macy's head to monitor her heart rate more closely and immediately after doing this her heart rate dropped, And I was rushed to the OR for an emergency c/section. It all happened so quick that I honestly don't think i had time to process what was going on. All I knew was that she needed out and she needed out quick. They pushed me to the OR and Jeff was sent to change clothes and we were back together again within 5 minutes or so. According to Jeff once they started the surgery it took about 6 minutes to get Macy out. Her umbilical cord ended up being tied in a knot and then wrapped around her neck. Hearing her cry for the 1st time...... well there are no words to describe that feeling. Just to know not only was she finally here but she was okay. As far as the c-section! Well that is a whole other experience in its self. So I'll leave all those details out =) Trust me, you'll thank me!
So without further a due..
Weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and 19.5 inches long. Here is our long awaited miracle baby!

Our 1st family picture
Melts my heart
A couple of excited family members
Please excuse me... 10 hours of labor + c/section= not a good look for me.
My 1st time holding my daughter.
Proud Daddy


~Shelly~ said...

Love her so so much! Can't believe she is finally here. She really is a miracle baby! See yall tomorrow- give some kisses to my girl!

shannonmichaelis said...

Congratulations! Sorry for the C-section, but a small price to pay for your sweet girl. Enjoy mommyhood (and get some sleep).

Ape said...

I just love her!!! She is absolutely precious and def an angel :) I am so happy for you and jeff well and all of your family. You looked greatest for labor and csection and girl I feel you on that pain! Whew it was horrid but totally worth it. Can't wait to watch her grow!!!!!

Anonymous said...

love the family picture!! You look GREAT!! Nikki can't wait to meet Miss Macy ;)

Shannon said...

AMAZING! I am so thankful she is here safe and sound. She is beautiful and you are a beautiful mommy! Loved the pictures! Congratulations!

Nicole Rodriguez said...

So happy you are living in Mommyland now!!! We have prayed and prayed for this sweet girl! Can't wait to meet her :)

Mandi said...

Congratulations to the proud parents!! Miranda, you look FABULOUS in that family picture! I'm so jealous -I looked like a truck had hit me for at least 2 months afterwards -haha!! Macy is beautiful and I'm so incredibly happy for God's miracle :)

May this be the Merriest of Christmases!!