Sunday, December 19, 2010

1 week old!

I can't believe that our sweet girl has already been with us a week. I mean seriously.... just yesterday I was still pregnant. The Lord has truly blessed me and Jeff with a good baby. We could not have asked for anything better. She rarely cry's, sleeps like a champ and right now she is only eating every 3-4 hours during the day and about every 4 hours at night. To which we have to wake her up to feed her. I always have said never wake a sleeping baby however with the jaundice issues she had after she was born my pediatrician wants her eating at least every 4. Which she needs to be anyways. And I can't say that I mind waking up and making sure her little belly is full. =)

We still think she is a good mixture of me and Jeff, yet on most days I would have to say she really looks like her momma. She has her daddy's chin, feet, toes, hair line... She has my lips, nose, eyes, (yet the are still a blue color) part in my hair and cow lick in the exact same place. Poor baby.

My mom (Nana) was able to spend this 1st week home with the 3 of us and help me out with my little love nugget. I am so thankful for her being here and even though she "doesn't think she did enough" She help more than she will ever know. Thanks Nana! We love you.

Happy 1 week birthday sweet girl. Mommy and daddy are so glad that you are finally here.
We love you so very very much!
Mommy & Daddy


~Shelly~ said...

Awww I can believe she is a week bc that was ONE LONG WEEK auntie Shells had to endure away from her! I love that 1st picture~she is so photogenic already :) I can't wait for her to boss Kinley around ;)

Nana said...

Miranda, I was so glad I was able to come and stay with you, Jeff and Macy! It was such a special time in all our lives! I think you have done such a good job with her since you've been home! I know you are going to be a wonderful mother to her. I loved being there and already miss her so much! See you soon!!

Allison said...

She is just beautiful Miranda! I hope you're recovering well. Sorry you ended up having such a rough labor and then a c-section. You'll soon forget all about it, if you haven't already. Enjoy your time at home with her, it goes by so fast! A very Merry Christmas to you guys. What an awesome gift you have received =)

Reylan said...

Congratulations on such a beautiful baby girl! I finally found your blog to see some pictures & congratulate you both! I hope that everything is going well & want to wish you guys a wonderful New Year with Macy! She's ADORABLE!

Kathy said...

Miranda, she is so precious!! Enjoy every minute!!! I can't wait to meet her!