Geez Louise...... Macy Moo you have done it again. Where is the time going? Seriously! I absolutely can not believe that we now have a 5 month old. What are you up to now.....
Finally moved up in diaper size. You are in a 1-2, not officially in 2's yet but it wont be long.
Still wearing size 0-3 clothes, although you really cant wear any pants/shorts/skirts... as you have no waist or hiney to hold anything up. ;)
Rolling over from Back to Stomach
Taking 6 ounces every 4 hours..And you are NOT late for a meal EVER!
You started eating cereal and baby foods this month. You didn't care for green beans or peas at 1st but now you are eating what ever we give you.
You are chewing on everything.... I don't think it will be much longer before you have a little pearly white shining though. Which breaks my heart because I love your gummy grins and I sure will miss them. :*(
Your reflux issues are much better and you take your medicine like a CHAMP every morning.
Over the past couple of weeks you are starting to nap during the day a little better. Instead of 5-30 minutes at a time. You are now taking a long morning and a long afternoon nap.
You are pretty attached to mommy and seem to only want me to put you to sleep at night. Cant say that I mind though. =)
I ended up having to take you to the doctor today and you were diagnosed with a upper respiratory infection and you were started on amoxicilln twice a day for the next 10 days. Your weight today was 14 lbs. 13 oz. YAY you finally doubled your birth weight!!! ( by 5 ounces) and you are also 25.5 inches long!
Macy, You have really started showing us who you are this month. Your little personality sure has started to shine through. And for the most part you are a happy/smiley baby girl. We look forward to seeing what surprises you have for us over the next month.
We love you to the moon and back,
Mommy & Daddy
Did I mention that you are WAY more active this month and you DO NOT SIT STILL!
My Heart (anonymous) You little one, are mommy's heart I knew it right from the start the way you hold my finger tight, when we we're alone late at night. When I cradle you in my arms you smile and show all your charms. Then when you drift off to sleep sometimes I can't help but weep, how lucky I have become to actually be the chosen one. To have and hold a child like you now life seems too good to be true. So I look up at the sky so blue and thank the heavens for giving me you!
This past year has defiantly been a whirl wind. Last year I woke up on Easter morning and took a pregnancy test and found out that we were finally expecting the baby we had dreamed so long for. And here I sat this year with her in my lap.=)
We celebrated Easter a little different this year. On Saturday we spent the afternoon with my family and and had lunch and did a little egg hunting. Then Saturday evening we went out to Jeff's family to celebrate Abby's birthday and have another hunt. Then on Sunday we had lunch with my parents and headed back home to Houston. Ill just get straight to the point... Enjoy the pictures
Saturday Lunch:
Macy going through her basket from Nana & Papa
Connor hunting some eggs
Camryn hunting eggs
Kinley stopping by to take a picture with Macy
Saturday evening: Macy's 2nd egg hunt
Cason and Macy
Easter Morning: The Easter bunny left Macy's basket
Pretty Cousins
*I still can't not believe that this time last year we just found out about our special angel baby. I am so happy the Lord picked me and her daddy to be her parents. =) Macy thinks we're pretty cool too!
I married my high school sweetheart in June 2006. We currently live in Houston where I am a nurse for Care for Women OB/Gyn. And Jeff works for MD Anderson as a project manager. We welcomed our 1st born, Macy Nicole into the world on December 10,1010. She is our little miracle baby.