I can't believe I am already writing a 4 month post. Geezz... It still seems like it was yesterday that she joined our little family.
She had her 4 month check up and shots on Friday 4/8/11
weight: 12.5
height:24 1/2
2 shots
1 vaccine by mouth
- Started with the sitter this past month. (3/21/11). Macy seems to be doing ok, however I still have a hard time with it every day.
- Started cereal last week. And she seems to really like it.
- She will start stage 1 foods soon. Mommy is pretty excited about this =)
- Taking any where from 5-6 oz of formula every 4 hours
- Still sleeping in the pack in play in my room. She is probably ready to go to her bed but I can't do it yet.
- Started rolling from belly to back last month and is trying really hard to now roll from her back to belly.
- Wearing 0-3 mo clothes. And some are even big!
- Still in size 1 diapers
- She is trying really hard to hold her own bottle
- She hardly ever takes naps during the day. It is the strangest thing I have ever seen. She will only go down from 10-20 minutes at a time and she fights you like crazy not to go to sleep.
- She has found her Bubba a.k.a Spencer and laughs when she sees him. ( he is now becoming afraid of her, and avoids her at all cost.)
- Made her 1st road trip back to Waco since she was 5 weeks old. And did really well.
4 months old
Mommy and daddy love you so very much. We have enjoyed watching you grow and learn new things over the past 4 months. As much as we miss our sleeping in on Saturday mornings, I couldn't trade getting up with the chickens and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for anything in the world. :)
I love you to the moon & back,
Mommy and daddy love you so very much. We have enjoyed watching you grow and learn new things over the past 4 months. As much as we miss our sleeping in on Saturday mornings, I couldn't trade getting up with the chickens and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for anything in the world. :)
I love you to the moon & back,