Friday, December 23, 2011

12 months old

Well our hippo pics were definitely a lot harder to take this year. She is a MOVER and a SHAKER that's for sure!

Weight: 19.4 (19th percentile)
Height: 30'' (74th percentile)
We have a petite little lady on our hands! ;)

  • You are fully on whole milk now.
  • Size 3 diapers
  • Table foods...carrots are you favorite!
  • No more bed time bottles.
  • You will only let me rock you at bed time for about 5 minutes and then you are ready to go to sleep on your own.. And that's IF you will let me rock you.
  • You are walking/running all over this house.

  • You are obsessed with TV remotes, phones & computers.
  • You are still a great sleeper... 7:30/8pm-7:15 am and most morning I have to wake you up.
  • You have 2 bottom teeth, 2 incisors, and you are finally cutting your 2 front teeth... HOPEFULLY those will come through on Christmas! ;)
  • You's still not talking or say any words yet, however you know what we are talking about and will bring us things we ask for.
  • If some one asks you how old you are, you will hold up your finger (1) SO Stinkin Cute!

Again.... this was the hardest month to photo!

We can not believe that you are a whole year old. You have brought such joy and laughter to this house and I honestly don't know what we ever did with out you. I am so excited about watching you grow and learn more over this next year. It is crazy to me to think about what I will be writing about this time next year. You have went from a completely helpless newborn baby to a strong willed and an independent as can be at this point toddler. Blows my mind!
We Love You to the Moon and Back!
Mommy & Daddy


Nana said...

That's my little Peanut! I love the last picture!!! Send it to me ASAP!!

PaPa said...

Hard to believe she has already turned one year old. So much fun watching her grow. Peanut, PaPa loves you.