Well folks after 3 long year of dealing with infertility, lots of medication, a couple of surgery's and many negative test. I am happy and excited to say that we are finally expecting our 1st baby! Due December 15,2010. I am still in complete awe of the whole situation and it honestly still doesn't seem real. I can't believe that we are finally going to have our little miracle baby. I am currently a little over 6 weeks. We found out on Easter that my test was positive. And after a very short discussion we decided to share it with our parents and siblings even though we were so early. Just for the simple fact that they have been such a huge support through all of this and well...... we were not going to be seeing them for another month and there is NO way I could keep this under raps from them for that long. ;)
We have another follow up in 2 weeks for another ultrasound just to make sure that everything is still going well and then my infertility specialist will release me to my regular ObGyn. So I am trying to keep my self busy so I can get through the next 2 weeks with out worrying my self to death.
Please keep us in your prayers and for this baby to have a safe journey into our arms.
Introducing Baby Herring!
The most beautiful baby ever ;)
We didn't have much time to figure out just how we wanted to tell our family as we were heading back to Houston later in the day. Jeff gathered his family all together and just broke the news at the same time to everyone. And of course my camera was already packed in the car so I did not get any pictures of their reactions.
For my family I decided to put a little note inside of an Easter egg and hide it as a "prize" egg. Shelly found the egg and opened it up to a little note that said . "Grandbaby #4 on the way!
The most beautiful baby ever ;)
We didn't have much time to figure out just how we wanted to tell our family as we were heading back to Houston later in the day. Jeff gathered his family all together and just broke the news at the same time to everyone. And of course my camera was already packed in the car so I did not get any pictures of their reactions.
For my family I decided to put a little note inside of an Easter egg and hide it as a "prize" egg. Shelly found the egg and opened it up to a little note that said . "Grandbaby #4 on the way!
Then she passed it to Nana!
mommy & daddy
little prize egg
I only took a few tests =)