*post is 3 weeks late i know.... sorry kinda busy raisin a kid here!
Seriously...... 13 months already? I swear we just celebrated your 1st birthday and now we are on our way down the road to number 2. Gee Wiz
She can't even believe it!
Stats:Weight- 20pounds
Size 3 dipers.
Size 12 month shirts
Size 9 month pants
You did however wear 3-6 month shorts this weekend.
Size 3-4 shoe... depending on the width.
You are a BIG girl now and no longer want to be rocked to sleep at all. But when your sick thats a different story.
You have turned into a bit of a drama queen, and when you dont get your way to will go stand with your face in the wall (not sure where you learned that one) or you will throw yourself on the floor. But when we walk off... fits over!
You dont like to be in a room by yourself. I keep telling daddy you need a brother or a sister but he's doesnt think so.
Your still sleeping from 8pm-7:30/8:00am
4 teeth on top and still just 2 on the bottom
You still have not said mama or dada, however you will wave and say byebye, you have tried a few times to say Spencer and it comes out like Fence'der, and only when you want you'll say "whats that?"
You got your 2nd, 3rd and 4th ear infection this month.. So we are off to see the ENT to see about tubes. =(
You'r BIG life change this month would have to be that we decided to put in in daycare "school". You have been with your sitters Mrs. Neomi and Mrs. Emma since you were 15 weeks old. This was such a hard decison for us but I think it was time. So far you have adjusted pretty good however I can tell you miss them.
You are such a sweet girl. And it breaks my heart that you are growing up so fast. My
baby is slipping through my fingers and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Ive said it before and ill say it again... I am so glad that God picked me and your daddy to be your parents. I dont know what we would have ever done with out you.
We Love You To The Moon & Back!
Mommy & Daddy
Sweet Moo