Christmas this year was a lot of fun. Macy definitely understood a little more than she did last year. Christmas Eve we spent with my family. We did the same as last year and only bought for the kids which seems to work out really well.. And is so much fun seeing them get excited about the gifts they receive.
Connor, Kinley, Camryn & Macy
(my child is happy)
the annual grandparent/grandkid picture.....
(again... my kid is happy)
Since my sisters new house is being built and she is living at my parents house until it is finished. Santa this year visited Macy & Kinley at Nana and Papa's house. I loved watching how excited Kinley was to set out the milk and cookies and then see them gone the next morning. But even more, I am so thankful Macy was able to celebrate Christmas morning with her. I don't know if Macy will ever have a sibling so it was pretty special to me to see her have some one by her side.
The girls must have been pretty good this year because the Big Guy sure did good!
Macy's loot
I do have more pictures of Macy AND Kinley however my sister who was 7.5 months pregnant and in her pj's in the back ground might kill me... so ill just keep them to myself. Your Welcome Shelly. ;)
Christmas Night we spent with Jeffs family for dinner and gift exchange. And had a good time as always.
1 of the 50 tries at a grand kid picture
Abby, Cason, Ben & Macy
(my kid is happy)
Captain America, Macy, Cason & Abby