Sunday, August 9, 2009

Update on Mom

Just a quick update on my mom. She had her 2nd back surgery this past Friday, and did absolutely wonderful. This time was alittle different than last time and the doctor did what is called a laminectomy or completely removing the herniated disk. Although she may be looking at a lumbar fusion in the future due to a couple of other disk buldging. Right now all of her pain is completely gone. She only complains of some discomfort at her incision site but no pain! And what a trooper NO pain meds at all!
I just wanted to thank everyone for all your phone calls, emails and text messages checking on her the last few day. Again everything seems good at this point. Keep saying your prayers as her recovery will take the next 4-6 weeks.


Shannon said...

I am so glad she is doing so well! Please give tell her I said hello!

Paul said...

Mom is very tough cookie with high pain level. But she is doing great!!!

Kathy said...

That is great! SO glad that the pain is gone! She is a trooper!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear she is doing so good!