Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!

I received this tag on my facebook account. But since I am pretty much facebook illiterate. I have decided to share it with you on here. Pretty much I am to list 25 things about myself that you may not know about myself and then tag a few friends to do the same. This may take a while so here goes.

1. I am totally addicted to pedicures and eyebrow waxing.
2. I cant stand for my husband to drive when I know there is going to be alot of traffic. He makes me so nervous.
3. I miss working for Providence ObGyn. I miss Dr Rowe and my girls
4. I have 1 sister, 1step sister, and 2 half sisters
5. Jeff keeps telling me that I have OCD. And I am starting to believe him. Certain things seriously drive me nuts. Like folding back the covers on our bed, they MUST be totally even or I cant get comfortable.
6. The bedroom door has to be shut or I cant sleep.
7. I have had grey hair since High School. And im finally paying someone to professionally color it instead of doing it myself.
8. I have been through a hurricane and lived to tell about it. (IKE)
9. My husband NEVER washes off bowls, or plates or tupperware after he has eatten from them. Drives me CRAZY. Again OCD
10. I have been with my husband since we were 16 years old. That means 15 years this September.
11. I swam with Sting Rays in the Caymen Islands.
12. I got in the water also with Dolphins in Cancun
13. I cant stand cheap razors.
14. I dont like eggs but if i am going to get them they must be scrambled and they must be DRY. But i love deviled eggs.
15.I make a mean tuna fish according to my husband & I hate tuna!
16. I have been on 3 cruises, and cant wait to go again.
17. I love my crocks. i think everyone should have a pair
18. We had a 52" Toshiba TV when we got married, bought it bran new and it was repaired 3 times in 10 months before they would come pick it up and give us our money back. DONT by a TOSHIBA.
19. Anytime we are going to be away from home, my pillow MUST come with me. I cant sleep without it. I dont know why, ive pretty much been this way my whole life.
20.I love love love BUSH's Chicken, And would give anything to have it here in Houston.
21. When I 1st met Jeff's family his grandmother could not remember my name and she kept calling me Marilda.... So now my name is Marilda Sue... My real name is Miranda Nicole.
22. My husband has twin sister, not to mention a few sets of 1st do you understand why having twins scares me.
23. I am a TV junkie I love all reality shows, Big Brother, American Idol and Jon and Kate plus8
24. I cant stand for anything to touch my tooth brush. And just the thought of it makes me want to be sick.
25. I have the best friends and family anyone could ask for.

Now I have to Tag a 5 people to complete this same survey.

1. Allison
2. Shannon B
3. Nicole
4. Jamie
5. Kathy
( i dont know how to make them links, so if that bothers someone let me know how to do it and ill change it.)


Anonymous said...

I think its #9- the washing off dishes before u put them in the that way too, i think its from growing up in phyllisland. :)

Laura Marchant said...

I am with you on the pillow thing til someone pointed out to me all the outside germs that were getting on it from traveling. I was a little OCD about thinking of all the beds it had touch. Now I can't take it anywhere anymore, lol!

The Wilson Crew said...

Marilda Sue.......that just cracks me up! Oh and someone remind me to let my boys get ahold of her toothbrush (evil laugh)... and I'm the same way about rinsing the dishes before they go into the dishwasher, learned that from my mom, coincedence???? I think not. That must have been the way it was in Berthaland :D