Monday, October 20, 2008

Kinley's 1st Birthday Party!!!

Well I absolutely can not believe that Kinley is a whole 1 year old. It seems like yesterday that Shelly told us she was expecting. She has went from a beautiful baby to an even more beautiful little girl. And I fall more in love with her every single day. She is such a sweetie pie. I know how much I love her so I can't imagine how much I will love my own kids. Craziness!!!!

Saturday was Kinley's birthday party. It was all PINK, frilly and princessey(is that a word). Just as you might have guessed. Everything was just perfect and Shelly really did a great job making sure everything came together just so. She had a lot of friends and family come by to help celebrate, which was great because I don't get to see them very much since we all live all over the place. She LOVES birthday cake I might add and she had a blast in her bouncy house. All in all she had a very good day. And we all look forward to what her next year in tales.

**Auntie M loves you Kinley and I hope you had a great birthday!**
Princess Cake

dont you LOVE her TUTU

Me and Kinley
(the best picture i had )

yummy delicious cake

enjoying her cake

fun times in the princess
castle bounce house

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute!!!!! i had to steal some pics.. haha
thanks for everything u did to help me! i sure needed it!!!!!!!!!!
we are setting up ur gift tomorrow hopefully!