Saturday, February 26, 2011


You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away

* I have no idea just how many times I have sang this song to her over the past 11 weeks. *

Friday, February 25, 2011

Under Construction

If you could not already tell we are Under Construction here. I am not completely happy with the new back ground and I am waiting on a good picture of the 3 of us to use on the header. So for now... please bare with me.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I could not have asked for a better valentine's gift this year!

My 2 loves

mommy and her valentine

daddy and his valentine =)

Macy reading her card from mommy & daddy

She got a new teddy bear and another WubbaNub

Aunt Shelly gave her the caterpillar and Nana gave her the white bear. Along with the hippo from the previous post and both V-day outfits.

lovin' on her new babies

and of course we had 2 outfits we had to wear!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

i love her

Such a bitter sweet day!
Friday (2/11/11) was a pretty hard day for me. It was my last day of maternity leave before I return to work bright and early Monday morning. I still can not believe that my baby girl is 2 months old already and that my time is up with her. And now I have to share her with everyone. I am only going back 2 1/2 days a week for now and my mom, Jeff's mom and Jeff will have her for the next 5 weeks so the transition should be easier on me hopefully. I know Macy will be okay, or at least I hope she will be ( she is kind of a mommas girl....bad). Which may make it harder on them.
On our last full day together we spend most of the day snuggling on the couch, then played a little dress up and took some pictures. She played very well with mommy and changed her clothes many times. Such a little trooper!
I will cherish my time that I had with her every day for the rest of my life. These first few weeks have been nothing but amazing, fun, exhausting, exciting, and a whole lot of learning for each of us. I sure am going to miss my girl!

These first 2 outfits were a gift from Aunt Shelly..
'This is my little black dress!"


She was supposed to wear this home from the hospital but it was TOO BIG.2 months later its still a little big in the shoulders

Naked baby in a bucket!

Sweet girl


Where's Macy?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2 Months Old

Macy Nicole is 2 months old today. I absolutely can not believe how fast time is going. She is growing and changing so fast every day, and every time I think she has slowed down there is something else new. She is smiling and "talking" ALL the time, and mommy can't get enough of it. For the most part she is a pretty happy baby. Yet we think she may have a little bit of colic. =( She is eating 4 ounces ever 4 hours and just this past week she has started sleeping though the night a little better. She usually is down for the night around 10pm and has been sleeping till 4-5 o'clock the next morning. With in this last week she is starting to grow out of her newborn clothes and newborn diapers. As of today she is officially wearing size 1 diapers. (because we are out of newborns and well I am not buying anymore) The change in her clothes has been pretty hard for me, I guess I just feel like she is not a baby anymore.

She still loves to lay on her changing table and talk and smile. She is sleeping better at night because of her swaddle pod. She is a mommas girl! As long as I am right with her I will let her take her naps on her tummy on the couch and she LOVES it. She is still not a huge fan of her car seat but she loves to ride in the car. And in her short 2 months she has already made two 3.5 hour trips to Waco. Her best friend is still her passy. She loves taking a bath, as this month we moved her from the hammock that lays across he water to her actually sitting down in the water. It still catches her by surprise each time I put her in but she doesn't mind. She loves her swing but has began to give it a second thought this past week when we put her in it, I hope this passes. And she does not care to much for her bouncy seat, but she loves her gym play mat.

Macy had her 2 month well baby check up today with her doctor. She was a trooper too, she received 3 vaccines and another by mouth. She cried for just a few seconds and then it was all over.
2 month stats:
Weight: 10 pounds - 28.90 percentile
Height: 22 1.4" - 83.70 percentile
Head: 38.5cm - 44.95 percentile
She gained 2 pounds since her 3 week check up and grew 2 inches.

*Nana bought our little hungry hungry hippo a pink hippo for valentines day to pose with for her monthly pictures. =)

We have to have our crib pose as well though to see just how much she has grown from last month.

Momma's sweet girl

I can not believe you have been in our lives for 2 months already. It seems like we only met you yesterday. I have enjoyed spending every single day with you the time that I have been off work. And I cant believe that I have to leave you to go back on Monday. It honestly breaks my heart. For the next 5 weeks you will be spending 2 1/2 days a week with your Nana, Juju and daddy while I go back part time for a couple of months. And then you will start your in home daycare. This has made the whole transition for me leaving you a little easier, but I still can not stand it. I am going to miss you something awful. So please do me a favor... don't grow up to fast so that I miss it, no 1st with anyone else if I'm not there.
I love you to the moon and back,

Sunday, February 6, 2011


We Dreamed of you, we Imagined you,we Prayed for you.
We Hope for you, we Love you, we Thank god for you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Heart

Making the decision to have a child--It's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


When Macy 1st came home from the hospital she loved to be all swaddled up when she went to bed. After a couple of weeks for what ever reason I got to where I was not wrapping her as tight I guess. So she pretty much got used to just "covered up" to go to bed. Over the last 2 weeks I noticed that she has not been sleeping as sound and startles a lot at night, because she is either laughing or "talking" in her sleep. So last week I decided to go buy a swaddle blanket since she is starting to out grow her receiving blankets. Who knew that they had so many different ones to choose from. Of course I could not make up my mind so I decided to buy 2. One was the Swaddle ME to which you put her in and velcro it across her and the other is a Swaddle Pod with is made out of cotton/spandex and it zips up. I tried out the Pod 1st and she has done great in it. Once she is all zipped up she is out within 5-10 minutes. (knock on wood). So I decided to see a couple of night ago if she would do as good in the other. Well wouldn't you know, she hated it. As soon as I velcroed it together she started screaming. I took her out and put her directly in the other and she stopped crying and went straight to sleep. From what I can tell the Swaddle ME really restricts their movement quite a bit. And with the Pod she can move her arms around it just does not allow her to startle/jerk. My only regret with this thing is not buying it sooner.

"Look Mom no arms!'

It looks like a straight jacket, but I promise she loves it! =)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Last week our good friends Scott & Lori came out to meet Macy and brought her a cute little passy.As most of you know she is addicted to her pacifier. And of course it would not be a cute one it would have to be the big green circle that they gave her while she was in the hospital. I don't really care which on she takes as long as she loves it but the soothie is just so dang hard for her to keep in her mouth. Scott & Lori bought her a wubbanub. For me this thing has been a god send! It has a cute little worm that is attached to the end of the passy and gives it just enough weight that she can not push it out of her mouth as easy. =) And it's pretty darn cute too. I want to buy 1 of each animal.